Nonin 3100 Wrist Oximeter Includes:• Two 1.5V Alkaline N-cell Batteries
• WristOx Operator’s Manual
• 8000AA-WO Fingerclip Sensor
• 1 Reusable Wristband
Nonin 3100 Wristox Pulse Oximeter Literature:
FDA 510K Approval
Nonin 3100 Wristox Brochure
Nonin 3100 Wristox Accuracy Comparison
Accuracy in Predicting Sleep Apnea / Hypopnea Syndrome (SAHS)
Sample Nonin NVISION Report
The Nonin 3100 WristOx is a small, lightweight pulse oximeter designed to be worn comfortably on the patient's wrist. Ideal for monitoring daily activities and for overnight studies, the compact design of the WristOx is intended to give the patient greater freedom while improving patient compliance. The Nonin 3100 Wristox offers:
Small - Fits comfortably on the patient's wrist
Versatile - Ideal for short or long term monitoring applications
Powerful - 24 hours of battery life and 33 hours of non-volatile memory
Easy-to-Use - Simply plug in the sensor and go; large easy-to-read LCD
Durable - 3-year warranty