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Key benefits of a wrist pulse oximeter:

  • Portability- Wrist pulse oximeters are very small in size, lightweight, attach to the wrist and the sensor is placed on the finger. Unlike tabletop and hand held pulse oximeters there is no long cable to be caught or tangled during use.

  • Memory/Recording - Wrist oximeters with memory have the ability to record and/or stream O2 and heart rate data. The Nonin 3150 records up to 270 hours of data for download on a Windows PC. All wrist oximeters with memory require software or apps to download and create reports on a Windows PC. The ChoiceMMed MD300W628 oximeter works with both Android and IOS devices to wirelessly transfer real-time and sleep data to an app to view and share sleep report data.

  • Continuous Monitoring - Wrist pulse oximeters can be used as a continuous monitoring device. Wrist oximeters have long battery life and the soft style sensors are designed to not "fatigue" the finger during prolong use.

  • Pediatric to Adult - The Nonin 3150 has multiple sensor and wrist band size options so pediatrics to adults can use a wrist oximeter. We recommend the Nonin 8000SS-WO2 for pediatric applications. Nonin also offers an adapter cable (Nonin 3150I) that allows the Nonin 3150 to work with Nonin's entire line of reusable and disposable sensors. .

Wrist pulse oximeter options:

  • Audible Alarms - Since wrist pulse oximeters with memory are primarily used for sleep screenings, audible alarms are not an option for the Nonin 3150. We recommendhand held or tabletop oximeters with alarms if the audible alarm option is required.

  • Vibrating Alarms - The ChoiceMMed MD300W628 wrist pulse oximeter has the ability to vibrate if the oxygen level or heart rate (high/low) falls outside a user selected level.

  • Spot Checks - Wrist pulse oximeters can be used as a "spot check" device (spot checks are quick readings) but if the primary need is for a spot check device we recommend finger, hand held or tabletop oximeters. Finger pulse oximeters, hand held or tabletop oximeters can give you readings in seconds without having to attach a device to your wrist.



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